The world’s most influential technology event has gone virtual — and so
have we. Join us as we bring to life the all-digital CES 2021 and experience
the visionary ideas, solutions and technologies shaping the future of
marketing, media and communications. 

Reserve your spot for one of the most in-demand floor tours at CES.
Due to limited space, please register for one preferred tour time. 


Wednesday, January 13th: 12:00PM ET

Wednesday, January 13th: 3:00PM ET

Wednesday, January 14th: 12:00PM ET


Why tour with us?

For the 6th consecutive year Michael Bassik is back and ready to take you on a virtual journey to the heart of the world’s largest consumer electronics show, exploring the latest technological advances and what they mean for modern brand leaders. In just 60 minutes, you will gain a better understanding of this year’s all-digital CES and experience the visionary idea, solutions and technologies shaping the future of marketing, media and communications.

MDC & Stagwell Insights



Kelly Schoeffel
Wed. Jan 13 - 4:00 PM ET 


Kelly Schoeffel
Wed. Jan 13 - 4:00 PM ET


Kelly Schoeffel
Wed. Jan 13 - 4:00 PM ET

Featured Events


The Harris Poll & Medialink 

2021 trends predictions and consumer insights from the research company that brings weekly polls to the industry’s thinkers and doers.

Tuesday, January 12 - 9:00 AM CET 

Questions? Ask us!